ai grija la carnea chinezeasca falsa!!!

Wait! What?
A lot of knock-offs have come out of China over the years, in fact they’ve probably made replicas of every successful product ever made. That’s not to say the Chinese don’t make original stuff as well, but their talent of replicating pretty much anything is legendary. That being said, I had never heard of Chinese food replicas until a few months ago, when I watched a news report about a guy making completely artificial eggs, using chemicals, right in his own home-made laboratory. Today, as I was surfing the interwebs, I came across and even stranger article about a “beef extract” additive that turns pork into beef, in just one and a half hours.
Serios ca au ajuns sa falsifice si carnea? Chinezii astia sunt geniali in ale falsificatulu.


  1. daca dadeai si un link al sursei era o treaba..

  2. Daca gaseam sursa originala era ceva :)

  3. Gata alex - am gasit si originalul pentru tine


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