World of Warcraft

The Subscription options for World of Warcraft are as follows: * 1 month: $14.99 * 3 months: $41.97 ($13.99 per month) * * 6 months: $77.94 ($12.99 per month) *
You have the option to purchase a Game Card from your local retailer for $29.99 (USD) which will give you access to World of Warcraft for 60 days!

+ ( plus )

IRVINE, California – August 29, 2005 – Blizzard Entertainment®, Inc. today announced that World of Warcraft®, its subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), has reached more than one million paying customers in North America. This brings the total population for Blizzard’s critically acclaimed game, the largest MMORPG in the world, to more than four million paying customers.

= (egal) 4 000 000×14.99 = 59 960 000 $/ luna
Sa nu mai vorbim de 4mil x 29.99$ = 119 960 000$ din vanzarea jocului

Si din categoria ” pai normal .. chinezii sunt 1 miliard si ceva ”

Since its North America debut, World of Warcraft has steadily grown in popularity around the world. Following launches in Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and Europe, World of Warcraft recently released in China on June 7, 2005 and quickly garnered over 1.5 million paying customers in its first month. Shortly after the China launch, World of Warcraft made its debut in Singapore. The game is currently scheduled to launch in the region of Taiwan later this year.

Pur si simplu este incredibil cati bani au facut cei de la Blizzard de cand au lansat jocul in nov 2004 .

sa nu mai zicem de …

RVINE, Calif. – December 1, 2004 – Blizzard Entertainment® today confirmed that World of Warcraft® has broken day-one sales records in North America, making it the most successful PC game launch ever. World of Warcraft, the company’s subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), sold through to over 240,000 customers at retailers in North America on Tuesday, November 23, selling more in its first 24 hours than any other PC game in history.*

Ah si da ma enerveaza avantajul pe care l`au dat americanilor … huaaa abia pe 15 feb 2005 s`a lansat jocul si in europa – sa nu mai vorbesc de alte tari care inca asteapta Wow .


  1. 3 Comments for 'World of Warcraft'


    October 13, 2005 | 5:08 pm | Edit This

    ai de capu meu … scot enorm pe luna :|

    October 13, 2005 | 8:09 pm | Edit This

    Lol. Si? Bravo lor oameni destepti. Ps. Se lanseaza Add-on in curand… si vezi ca in europa costa mai mult si in euro…

    October 13, 2005 | 10:08 pm | Edit This

    bai, deci e clar. sunt pa! :-0
    sa mor daca inteleg chestia asta cu WoW memeoepegre-something… la mine gamingul s-a terminat la Q3 Arena… bloody kids, you make me feel sooo old!
    da las’ ca vine Q4 soon si I’LL BE BACK


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