2005`s Games

PC Game of the Year

Civilization IV

PC Top 10 Games of the Year

1. Civilization IV
Battlefield 2
Call of Duty 2
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
5. Age of Empires III
6. Guild Wars
7. F.E.A.R.
8. Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich
9. SWAT 4
10. Silent Hunter III

HM. World of Warcraft

PC First-Person Shooter
Call of Duty 2

PC Action/Adventure
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Dungeon Siege 2

Guild Wars

Age of Empires III

PC Turn-Based Strategy
Civilization IV

PC Sports
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06

PC Racing
Need for Speed Most Wanted

PC Adventure
Indigo Prophecy

PC Simulation
Silent Hunter III

PC Expansion
The Sims 2: Nightlife

PC Mod
Garry's Mod for Half-Life 2

PC Multiplayer
Battlefield 2

Best Graphics
Age of Empires III

Special Achievement in Art Direction

The 5th Annual Lens Flare™ Award
Real-Time Dynamic Lighting

Best Sound
Call of Duty 2

Best Music
The Movies

Level of the Year
"Titan of the Emperor" from Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War -- Winter Assault

Best Story

Best Character
Kreia from KotOR II

Best Use of License
Ultimate Spider-Man

Most Underrated Game
LEGO Star Wars

Best Value
Guild Wars

Trends We Like
Experimentation in the FPS

Trends We Hate
Slow Year for Some Genres, Again
Continued Technical Baggage

Dumbest Controversy
"Hot Coffee" in GTA: San Andreas

The 4th Annual "When It's Done?" Award

Green Banana Award
Star Wars: Galaxies

Biggest Disappointment
The Matrix Online

Coaster of the Year


  1. Guild Wars e nominalizat la 2 sectiuni : Best MMORPG si Best Value . Plus ca e si pe locul 6 in Top Ten Best Games Of 2005


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