
Hmmm nu stiu cati dintre voi ati stat pe forumuri ... dar cei dintre voi care ma inteleg ... sigur il cunosc pe Burvi .. eh acum chiar are o pagina intreaga pe uncyclopedia ( merci mariko de link ) - articolul e o combinatie mortala de burvisme cu stighisme ( Stig de la Top Gear frate ... ) ... aaaah dar oare cum de nu m`am gandit ... poate Stig e Burvi ... sau invers .
Oricum cert e ca mai e un articol despre computergames.ro forumul pe care am activat ( momentan fac o pauza din lipsa de chef si timp ) in care apare si numele meu ... un umil forumist ...

ComputerGames' most significant enemy was the CoolGirl Forum. The name CoolGirl, which means "60 year old males posing as 15 year old girls" was given to a left-wing Online faction in the 00's. Led by Pol Pot, it gained control of phpBB in 2003 and then began one of the century's greatest massacres. Pol Pot declared "Year Zero" and began a radical program to create an idealized "COOL!" communist society to take over the "CG" brand. He crushed thread instructions such as Edit Post and Spell Check and emptied users of their brains. ComputerGamers and anyone else seen as standing in the way of the new social order were mercilessly banned. The CoolGirl revolution was ousted from power by Prophet Nihasa, but it had already caused the retarding of between 1.5 and 2 million virtual people, according to #CG estimates. Many victims, such as the dracushorul, may never be identified and restored.
Si o trecere in revista la final ...

Currently, the CG Forum comunity is experiencing a period of unparalelled growth under the constant supervision of Assassin-God, Mods, chief scientist-aaroman, modern AI's and Prophet Nihasa.
Eu doar ma bucur ca am iesit profet ... desi nu stiu exact cui trazmit invatamintele astea ... eh hai ca e tarziu si ma duc si eu sa meditez si tineti minte ... nihasa sa fie cu voi :)))))


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