Dar practic ...
Luni am fost sa imi refac ochelarii ( dap port ochelari ... hahahah si tie :) calculatorul iti fute ochii mai mult decat crezi :D ) pentru ca ceilalti erau cam rupti .. Totul bine si frumos ... bla bla bla nu are rost sa intru in detalii - ideea e ca azi m`am dus sa ii iau ... ies eu frumos din magazi merg cativa metri si ma opresc ca eram strigat de domnshoara simpatica de la optica .. ca cica mi`am uitat tocul de ochelari ... cadou din partea lor sau ceva de genu asta ... si asta e povestirea ...+
Atasez si poza cu personajele intamplarii :D
Atasez si poza cu personajele intamplarii :D

Chiar fute monitoru ochii ? Eu am ochelari "de calculator" (cu protectii & shit). Crezi ca ajuta la ceva ?
RăspundețiȘtergereBtw, ar trebui inventat ceva sistem sa ma anunte si pe mine cand dai reply. Pis pe ele sisteme ieftine de blogging.
dupa vreo 7-8 ani la calculator ... exista efecte :D
RăspundețiȘtergereastia sunt de aia cu dioptrii sau cu filtru UV?
RăspundețiȘtergeredaca sunt cu filtru pentru UV, zi si mie cat costa acolo la voi, ca aici e scumpi ca dracu
Hoya and Transitions - A strong combination
RăspundețiȘtergereEveryday care for your eyes
Good for your eye health
The sun's UV rays can harm your visio. Transitions lenses help you preserve your eye health by blocking 100% of UV ryas. Whether they are clear, slightly tinted or sunglass-dark, they protect you all the time.
Helping you see better
Too much or too little diminishes contrast. Outdoors, Transitions Lenses adjust their tintto the right level of light, improving your perception of contrast.
So much more comfortable
Glare can be annoying, hurting your eyes and making you squint. Transitions Lenses shield your eyes from glare by automatically adapting their tint to the brightness of outdoor light. You will experience more comfort.
Clear indoors, Adapt quickly, Dark outdoors
So clear indoors, you wouldn't imagine they could change tint outdoors
Outdoors in bright sunlight, they can darken to sunglass depth
In just 30 seconds exposure to sunlight, they will reach a dark tint
Returning indoors, they will quickly fadde in just a few minutes
You can choose Transitions Lenses in grey or brown
Single Vision: Hilux
Hoya's traditional spheric lens design; efficient and effective
Progressive: Hoyalux Summit Pro -The progressive lens that corrects the change from far to near vision in a completely natural way. Hoyalux Summit CD - The ideal progressive lens for fasionable, shallow frames, Hoyalux Wide - The progressive lens with an extra wide reading area, compared to standard progressive lenses.
Bifocal: C28 curve top segment
Colours and Treatments
Transitions photochromic lenses are available in brown and grey colours. A scratch and wear-resistant hard coating and an anti-reflection top coating Hi Vision Aqua or Hi Vision ViewProtect can be applied to the lenses to ensure maximum visual comfort and durability.
lentilele sunt hoya hilux solio 1.55 si au costat cam 1.6mil fiecare .
antireflex si heliomate din plastic.
Nu stiu exact ce protectii au, ii am de 2 ani, or fost 3 milioane atunci :F
RăspundețiȘtergereAm auzit si io de ochelarii aia care isi schimba nuanta. Si io vreau :D
emo glasses :))
RăspundețiȘtergerenope ... sunt un fel de hibrid :D sunt mai subtiri decat emo glasses