Old satanic fun...

Ca tot am scapat de 06.06..06 la 06:06 si 06 secunde ... si tot nu a venit apocalipsa ( dezamagire mare ca si in 2000 pe 1 ian ) e timpul sa facem misto de Bestie ...ce naiba .. ca tot n`a venit sfarsitul lumii ..

666 Number of the beast
668 Neighbor of the beast
660 Approximate number of the beast
DCLXVI Roman numeral of the beast
666.0000 Number of the high-precision beast
0.666 Number of the millibeast
1/666 Common denominator of the beast
666[-/(-1)] Imaginary number of the beast
1010011010 Binary number of the beast
29A Hexidecimal number of the beast
-666 Negative number of the beast
00666 Zip code of the beast
$665.95 Retail price of the beast
$699.25 Price of the beast plus 5% state sales tax
$769.95 Price of the beast with all accessories and replacements
$656.66 Wal-Mart price of the beast
$646.66 Next week's Wal-Mart price of the beast
$333.00 After-Christmas sale price of the beast
$222.00 Going-out of business liquidation price of the beast
Phillips 666 Gasoline of the beast
Route 666 Way of the beast
665 Older brother of the beast
667 Younger brother of the beast
666 UP Soft drink of the beast
666lb cap Weight limit of the beast
666 F Oven temperature for cooking roast "beast"
666k Retirement plan of the beast
666 mg Recommended minimum daily requirement of the beast
6.66% 5-year CD rate at First Beast of Hell, $666 minimum deposit
20/666 Vision of the beast
1-800-666-6666 Toll-free number of the beast
999 Australian number of the beast
6"X 6"X 6" Lumber of the beast
66.6 GHZ Computer processor of the beast
666i BMW of the beast
666-66-6666 Social security number of the beast
6/6/66 Birth date of the beast
666.AC.com URL of the beast
IAM 666 License plate number of the beast
Formula 666 All-purpose cleaner of the beast
666 calories Diet of the beast
969 Dyslexic number of the beast
WD-666 Spray lubricant of the beast
66.6 MHz FM radio station of the beast
666 KHz AM radio station of the beast
Chanel No. 666 The beast's favorite perfume
666% What the beast gives in his game

Phone number of the Beast: 1-900-666-0666 ( Live Beasts! One-on-one pacts! Call Now! Only $6.66/minute.
Imaginary number of the Beast: 666 ^ (-1)
Operating system of the Beast: Windows 666
Square root of the beast: 25.806975801127880315188420605149
Bitmap of the Beast: 0000001010011010

$6.66/minute. Over 18 only please.
6, uh... what was that number again? - Number of the Blonde Beast
(sic) (sic) (sic) - three Beastly errors in spelling or grammar in the original.


  1. OMG OMG OMG.. funn-ay

    de ce zice poza aia cuvantul goethe? (ma rog, goqyhe, dar tot pe acolo). ups. beer overflow.

  2. Vezi asta, desi pt unele trebuie niste cunostinte minime de matematica



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