40 Shocking Facts About Water

  1. Over 1.5 billion people do not have access to clean, safe water.
  2. Almost 4 million people die each year from water related diseases.
  3. 43% of water related deaths are due to diarrhea.
  4.  98% of water related deaths occur in the developing world.
  5. Unsafe water is the biggest killer of children under five; around 90% of all diarrheal deaths are in this age group.
  6. In Sub-Saharan Africa women spend on average 16 hours a week collecting water.
  7. A typical individual in the United States uses 500 litres of water each day.
  8. The recommended daily water requirement for sanitation, bathing, cooking and consumption is approximately 50 litres per person per day.
  9. Over 1 billion people use less than 6 litres of water per day.
  10. A typical individual in Gambia uses just 4.5 litres of water a day.
  11. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation has claimed more lives through disease than any war through guns.
  12. The average toilet uses 8 litres of clean water in a single flush.
  13. At any one time, more than half the world’s poor are ill due to inadequate sanitation, water or hygiene.
  14. It takes over 11,000 litres of water to produce a pound of coffee.
  15. Half the world’s schools do not have access to clean water, nor adequate sanitation.
  16. It takes about 300 litres of water to make the paper for just one Sunday newspaper.
  17. Agriculture is responsible for about 70% of the world’s water usage. Industry uses a further 22%.
  18. 443 million school days are lost each year due to water related illness.
  19. On average, women in Africa and Asia have to walk 3.7 miles to collect water.
  20. The average dishwasher uses over 100 litres per cycle.
  21. It takes up to 5000 litres of water to produce 1kg of rice.
  22. 80% of all illness in the developing world comes from water born diseases.
  23. Drilling a fresh water well can cost anything from a few hundred dollars to over $40,000.
  24. Over 2.6 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation.
  25. 90% of wastewater in developing countries is discharged into rivers or streams without any treatment.
  26. About 1.8 million child deaths a year are due to diarrhea.
  27. An 18 litre can of water weighs 20 kilos.
  28. About half the world’s hospital beds are occupied by someone with a water related illness.
  29. A five minute shower in an American household will use more water than a person living in a developing world slum will use in a whole day.
  30. A third of the people without access to clean water live on less than a dollar a day. More than two thirds live on less than two dollars a day.
  31. Water consumption in a US household is eight times that of an Indian household.
  32. In India alone, water born diseases cost the economy 73 million working days per year.
  33. In sub-Saharan Africa a child’s chance of dying from diarrhea is over 500 times greater than in Europe.
  34. Approximately 2.5 billion people lack access to appropriate sanitation facilities.
  35. About 1.2 billion people have absolutely no access to a sanitation facility.
  36. In a typical year in Africa 5–10 times the number of people die from diarrhea than from war.
  37. Simply washing hands can decrease the chance of diarrhea by around 35%.
  38. Global sales of bottled water account for over $60-$80 billion each year.
  39. A child dies of water born diseases about every 15 seconds (that’s about 12 children just since you started reading this article). By this time tomorrow, another 2,500 will be dead.
  40. As little as one dollar can provide clean water for a child in the developing world for an entire year.


  1. Majoritatea afirmatiilor pot sa fie perfect adevarate (CEL PUTIN nr 40 este SIGUR falsa! EU PERSONAL sunt dispus sa-i ofer autorului afirmatiei - din saracia mea - 10$, cu conditia SA-MI dovedeasca FAPTIC adevarul afirmatiei: ca poate DIN ACEASTA SUMA sa duca in tarile in nevoie apa proaspata suficienta pt o zi pt 3650 copii, pt toate necesitatile lor: baut, gatit, spalat, "sanitation", etc!), dar felul in care este prezentat materialul este tendentios. Lasand deoparte faptul ca acele tari subdezvoltate sau in curs de dezvoltare au si natalitatea cam in acelasi raport mai mare decat tarile dezvoltate ca si raportul mortalitatilor infantile, ceea ce TOTUSI conduce la sporul natural al populatiei Pamantului pe care il constatam (este adevarat ca eu sunt batran, dar INCA IN TIMPUL VIETII MELE populatia globului a crescut de la 3,75 mld la 6,75 mld - si eu inca n-am murit, si nici ritmul cresterii populatiei nu s-a redus!), este falsa presupunerea (neafirmata, dar sugerata) ca daca noi am "consuma" mai putina apa curata, cei - spre exemplu - din Africa sub-sahariana, sau din India si Bangladesh, ar beneficia de mai multa apa curata (sau de apa mai curata): noi nici nu murdarim apa lor, nici nu le-o luam - si NICI n-am putea (n-ar fi economic fezabil) sa le expediem de la noi apa curata economisita facand noi mai putine dusuri. Oricata economie am face noi aici, situatia lor nu s-ar imbunatati. E adevarat ca diferenta (sau raportul) situatiilor n-ar mai fi atat de dramatic (spectaculos) de mare, dar asta s-ar intampla nu prin imbunatatirea situatiei lor, ci prin inrautatirea situatiei noastre.
    Pe de alta parte, ESTE perfect adevarat ca SI NOI ar trebui (subiect care in articol nu este decat "atins" in treacat) sa ne sporim eforturile pt epurarea apei pe care o folosim - in procent cat mai mare (cantitativ) si pana la o "puritate" cat mai avansata (calitativ) - si sa-i ajutam si pe ei sa faca acelasi lucru. (Afirmatia am facut-o din perspectiva unui locuitor al unei tari dezvoltate, desi nu stiu daca situatia de fapt nu ar justifica mai degraba sa fi vorbit nu din perspectiva celor care ar trebui sa ajute, ci din cea a celor care ar trebui sa fie ajutati, desi la noi penuria de apa potabila inca nu este acuta - cantitativ - chiar daca nu sunt foarte ferm convins si de nivelul calitativ al apei noastre "potabile" curente (de la robinet). Si TOTUSI nu "dublam" retelele de distributie, oferind in paralel - pt uzul ne-alimentar - si apa asa-zis "industriala", filtrata, dar nu si purificata biologic si chimic!)


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