Social Media Review: Panama Papers

Prima pagina CNN la 10 ore dupa Panama Papers
Prima pagină a CNN-ului la 10 ore după leak.

11 milioane și jumătate de documente confidențiale ale unei firme de avocatură (Mossack Fonseca) specializată pe off shore-uri au ajuns în mâinile a peste 370 de jurnaliști. Nu este nicio surpriză că cei 2.5 TB de informații fac legătura între companii fantomă și momentan 140 de politicieni, vedete și șefi de stat. E vorba de 214 000 de firme folosite pentru a evita taxarea unor sume importante de bani. (un rezumat despre subiect găsești aici)

Cat de mare e cantitatea de informatie din Panama Papers in comparatie cu alte leak-uri asemanatoare

Și cam asta zice Social Media despre subiect până acum:

  • Should we release all 11 million #PanamaPapers so everyone can search through them like our other publications? - @wikileaks
  • and Wikileaks claiming that the ICIJ is shielding US individuals by not releasing documents
  • We learned about #PanamaPapers on Reddit and Twitter, but nothing on the front page of CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC News, The New York Times...
  • Snowden: "Biggest leak in the history of data journalism just went live, and it's about corruption."
  • I am 100% certain that if all papers are released, the American Presidential Election will change, and the world will never be the same.
  • The Editor in Chief of Süddeutsche Zeitung responded to the lack of United States individuals in the documents, saying to "Just wait for what is coming next".
  • So from what I'm understanding, only 149 documents have been released and there's 11 million more to go? Holy shit
  • prime minister of Iceland This one cuts pretty deep as he was elected as an anti-establishment figure against the banking crisis and is quite clearly as bad as they were.
  • Looking forward to weeks of free entertainment as more lying, cheating, corrupt politicians are exposed. Will they ever learn? #Panamapapers
  • So, given that Putin's name appeared in the Panama Papers, what can anyone do about it? 
  • How did 300+ reporters keep their investigation under wraps for a year+
Cam atât momnentan.  E abia luni dimineață. 


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